An amalgamation of cells united into a mortal and physical form

Update statues: Hiatus
Current status: Procrastinating
  • Everywhere and nowhere
  • IscrittoNovember 26, 2020

Ultimo messaggio
laziestpotato666 laziestpotato666 Feb 01, 2021 06:12AM
New chapter for CATBOD “Training and Winning”Sorry for being this late. I had some sort if writers block where I had the Idea ready but I didn’t want to write it down, fortunately, it’s gone.
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Storie di imperfect mortal
Cat-ra and the Beast of D'riluth di laziestpotato666
Cat-ra and the Beast of D'riluth
Catra was on her way to the Crimson Waste when a light from deep in the forest saved her from her captors and...
She-ra: Story Ideas di laziestpotato666
She-ra: Story Ideas
Here I will post stories that I may or may not write in the future. They will be shirt descriptions of the st...
I Don't Need You (Modern AU) di laziestpotato666
I Don't Need You (Modern AU)
Adora had know Catra for 20 years and lived with her for 2. When she is given the chance to Catra is left o...
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