// naeggay x toegaymi :flushed: :shy fingers: —— Makoto and Byakuya had been taking a walk, talking about things, when it suddenly started pouring. Sacrificing his hoodie to keep them both dry, Makoto lead Byakuya towards his house, which was the closest building that wasn’t closed for the evening. Makoto smiled, unlocking the front door and heading inside. “My parents aren’t home at the moment, and Komaru is sleeping over with Fukawa, so we have the house to ourselves for a few hours. Sorry about the mess.” The brunette smiled, laughing nervously.

@legitimizing “Just.. decent. I usually cook for my sister when our parents are away.” Makoto explained. “I’ve only burnt the food three times.” // HDJSJAHSJKAD Y E S

@alternatiive-clovers " ... how decent ? " he asked after a moment of hesitation , messing with his glasses again . ❋ noodlegi

@legitimizing “I’m decent.” Makoto shrugged. “I can’t do any fancy stuff you’re probably used to, but I could try.” // naegi is the ultimate ramen noodle chef