
Hello everyone, I hope that you are all well? I just wanted to say that...I won’t write or work on my stories for a while. I don’t have a good excuse, I’ll admit that, and nothing serious is going on right now. I’m just not feeling inspirational or feel like writing at the moment. In all honesty, I haven’t even been on Wattpad or thought about it in a while until just now, sorry everyone.
          	I’m just saying this because if your following me and expect more chapters, I don’t want all of you that are enjoying my stories to keep waiting and expecting for a new chapter to always just repeatedly receive Author Notes, so all stories are on hold.
          	Thank you for reading this and taking a few minutes of your time to take in all of this, and have a nice rest of your day/afternoon/night.


Hello everyone, I hope that you are all well? I just wanted to say that...I won’t write or work on my stories for a while. I don’t have a good excuse, I’ll admit that, and nothing serious is going on right now. I’m just not feeling inspirational or feel like writing at the moment. In all honesty, I haven’t even been on Wattpad or thought about it in a while until just now, sorry everyone.
          I’m just saying this because if your following me and expect more chapters, I don’t want all of you that are enjoying my stories to keep waiting and expecting for a new chapter to always just repeatedly receive Author Notes, so all stories are on hold.
          Thank you for reading this and taking a few minutes of your time to take in all of this, and have a nice rest of your day/afternoon/night.


Hey! Sorry for the long hiatus but I’m still probably gonna be on it for a while. School is almost ending tho and have big tests plus some family issues. I’ll try to come back but for now I’ll still be gone for a while. Sorry and thanks for being patient. 


HELLO! I am back and on Spring break! I'll try to update more but it'll be scattered around and things. Might just delete or unpublish the A/N's. I'll working on trying to update for all my books but sorry if I don't end up doing that.


@ivaughan14 is this your OC? If it is, can you send me some information? I probably won’t get back to writing books on here in a while though, but when I do, I can start working on it and my other books.


I mean, I can try. Do you have an OC that you want me to use or any one I have?


Hey, I see you like Riley Griffin in power rangers. Have you read my stories about him? Also welcome to Wattpad. I hope you enjoy writing incredible stories


Well I will cheer you on, a lot of people write about Chase, Tyler and I think Riley deserves better


Yeah, besides liking Riley he doesn’t exactly have a ‘mate’ in the show it seems so I’m just adding that to it. Also yes, I have read your stories and I really like them! Thank your for the warm welcome as well and keep on your incredible writings as well! ^-^