I got a New Book it called power rangers Super turbo the movie go check it out I put the three people on there and I will do the rest of the cast tomorrow morning don't worry I'm still going to be writing are you afraid of the dark Connor and Gabby love Story and Legend never dies and Batman forever 1995 I would do the rest of it tomorrow I love you'all so much and good night
I got a New Book it called power rangers Super turbo the movie go check it out I put the three people on there and I will do the rest of the cast tomorrow morning don't worry I'm still going to be writing are you afraid of the dark Connor and Gabby love Story and Legend never dies and Batman forever 1995 I would do the rest of it tomorrow I love you'all so much and good night
Great news I am officially starting a new book called Legends never died and Batman forever 1995 Bruce Wayne's daughters I want you guys to check it out I am almost done with the cast of Batman forever 1995 I just got to rewatch it cuz it's been a long time since I watch Batman and please go check my another book is called it are you afraid to dark next generation and are you afraid of the dark Connor and Gabby love Story and Faith to Dance I love you guys so much and thank you for reading my book don't worry I will write more of my stories and PS Love Angela Edwards ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Can you guys please give me some ideas on Are you afraid of the dark the next generation the tales of the Shadows and are you afraid of the dark Connor and Gabby First meet please
Hi this is Angela Edwards and please go check out my new book later on today it's called are you afraid of the Dark the tales of the shadow man next generation it's going to be out later on today I'm trying to get everything out and don't worry you might get some new characters and old characters but don't worry I love you guys please go check out my first book is called Faith to dance go check that out please and I appreciate it you guys so much to let me do this actually I asked God to please give me something and I did it for you guys and please check out my first book and I will get back to this later on today I'll see you guys soon PS love you guys Angela Edwards ❤️❤️❤️
Think u all for reading my Very first Book and check it out and it's called faith to dance basically a true story I'll let y'all know well I'll be making another one and comment down below if y'all want me to do another book and p's Jesus love y'all very much Love Angela Edwards❤❤❤❤