In around April to May, a few things occurred with LilLemon, first of all, as mentioned in a few previous posts, our dear LilLemon suffers from a condition called Tachycardia, it's a mild heart condition, but can turn into a serious issue depending on diet and activity. Because of this, LilLemon had been having a harder and harder time leaving her home, ending in her getting pretty bad depression. This isn't the only issue, though. In June+, a member of her family that she is incredibly close to has been in the hospital off and on because of a certain desease they've had since very young, as you can imagine, LilLemon was once again having a hard time. But, unfortunately, this isn't all my dear readers, our dear LilLemon has gone through far more than this as of this year and it's just been taking a big toll on her, although there is more that I'd like to share with all of you, this is LilLemon's private life, and I feel as though even sharing what I have may be crossing the line. I just want all of you to know that as of now, LilLemon is getting help. She still wants to write, but feels like she's having a harder time even coming up with a few sentences. Please wish LilLemon well. This was your beloved Editor-chan, I hope this message can answer your guys' questions at least a little bit. Please continue to support at read LilLemon's stories.
@ lillemonadestand then I wish lilLemon all well. She should take her time to feel better. I'll be there when she writes again.i also wish the family member of LilLemon all well.