a small token of kindness (28th September 2021)
when the dust of the night settles down into the horizon, and the lines of lives you drew that were left unattended poke the now sharpened tip of your pencil, perhaps it marks the beginning of a new rise.
the sun of yesterday has evanesced; turned into the living for the dead. what there was to offer yesterday, is no longer in the realm. the ball of fire, although huge, loses too. negligibly; like a smile that relaxes itself upon a face.
the loss is not visible, neither is it perceived. it is not mourned, it is not acknowledged. but it lives, silently- as a weapon that pricks little holes, larger and larger gradually, until blood completely is drained.
the moon and the universe, the stars and the galaxies exist today a little emptily than they had yesterday. we all die gracefully, gently, but cannot be seen until we collapse like leaves of warm autumn.
today you live life as it is; in its form and in its state. and then you die. you succumb and all you are is a flash of memory in the basement of time. what makes you alive is nothing more than now. it is quite a baffling mystery how we can live only in these bits and pieces of the margin of today and then we turn into a cold drop of ice, preserved and left behind grieving in the other timeline.
some kinds of grief are desperately strong; to an extent that you become oblivious of reality. what has elapsed, has no place. allow it not to snatch away your position today by misleading you to itself. do nothing more, exist as is, but only in today.
love today; love this reality with such certitude that the lie of life doubts its existence. teach life. teach it about who it is and who it should be.