
Hey baby dragons. So im writing a book of Stucky one shots. Im gonna need ideas. So send me requests on pm or comment them on the first page. I love you guys. Muah


hey baby dragon <3 whats upwith all you sweet hearts? um so i have some what  new. well two thing. i might have a girlfriend. and im starting school on monday. enter unenthusiastic yay here. also! i might be starting blood lust if any one wanted to know.


HAI! anyway sorry caffine at like 3 am is never a good idea. but i have an idea for a story. and i need characters! so message me if you want to be one. character requirements
          what you look like
          and your personality
          and this story is about a girl who gets her grandfather's  house on a lake front and spooksy stuff happens. so yeah. stuff.
          i love you my baby dragons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hey guys... so im like grounded.. and i have to get rid of my kik. sadness. but ill be fine as soon as i get my phone back. in the past three days i finished me earl and the dying girl. and paper towns. so yeah im keeping occupied. im doing research on Jack the Ripper. so yeah. i love you my baby dragons <3