
Helloooo guysss!!! I apologize for a late response but I tried reading as much messages and posts as possible it's been a long time since I visited. I know many of you have a lot of questions. Will i write? Where have I gone? Did I die? (cracked me up). I am alive. I'm currently not writing.. im brain dead but I do want to try something different than DTH...probably something new and fun and exciting... :D I have deactivated my Fb but easier way to reach me would be through twitter now. I find thats much easier. So i will give you time to bombard me with any questions and follow me if you like. :) Just a heads up i did reply to some of your messages. And i'll leave off with I do want to write a new story but when I don't want to give any promises! :-) look forward to it though and enjoyy. hope you're all doing good and thank you all for your unbelievable support <3


its been a while since you've posted anything and I don't know if you will see this to answer but... did you ever get to publish DTH? Because I would really like to read it again and have no access to it on wattpad anymore...


Helloooo guysss!!! I apologize for a late response but I tried reading as much messages and posts as possible it's been a long time since I visited. I know many of you have a lot of questions. Will i write? Where have I gone? Did I die? (cracked me up). I am alive. I'm currently not writing.. im brain dead but I do want to try something different than DTH...probably something new and fun and exciting... :D I have deactivated my Fb but easier way to reach me would be through twitter now. I find thats much easier. So i will give you time to bombard me with any questions and follow me if you like. :) Just a heads up i did reply to some of your messages. And i'll leave off with I do want to write a new story but when I don't want to give any promises! :-) look forward to it though and enjoyy. hope you're all doing good and thank you all for your unbelievable support <3