CHPT 30 OF THE OFFICE NARUHINA IS NOW OUUTTTTTT!!!! Yall pls read and respond the authors note at the end! I LOVE FEEDBACK!!!!
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CHPT 30 OF THE OFFICE NARUHINA IS NOW OUUTTTTTT!!!! Yall pls read and respond the authors note at the end! I LOVE FEEDBACK!!!!
CHPT 30 OF THE OFFICE NARUHINA IS NOW OUUTTTTTT!!!! Yall pls read and respond the authors note at the end! I LOVE FEEDBACK!!!!
Hi everyone! It's 1am where I am! I had every intention of uploading chapter 30 of Naruhina The Office but I got out of work later than expected, but it's yours tomorrow for sure!!!!
Updating this weekend ❤️❤️❤️
IT'S MARCH 1ST AAAAAHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! Just popping in to say yes MORE UPDATES I'm shooting for 3 times again for each story and YES FAMOUS NO MORE DELAYS OKAY FAMOUS IS COMING I PROMISE! OFFICE NARUHINA FANS: this story is gonna be the first update for March ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ see you soon xo, Evara
CHAPTER 10 AND THE INTRO TO PART ARE NOW POSTED!! AHHHH I’ve finally FINALLY completed part 1 of Sasusaku. WHEW! WOW! what a journey *crying emoji*. I literally posted the Introduction of Sasusaku in April of 2024 and it took me ages to complete those first ten chapters. I had so much writing REWRITING- damn I just wanted to get them perfect. I can confidently say I’m so happy with my writing with them. I LOVE SASU SAKU SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️ They feel so real to me in a way I have never felt before. THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO STUCK IT OUT WITH ME! We are FINALLY getting somewhere! The story is separated into three parts or arcs. Part 2 is LONG. And as I’ve said before… you will DESPISE Sasuke before you actually LOVE HIM. I can’t wait until we get into it ah! CHAPTER 11 COMING SOON SOON! Okay I love yall it’s past 1 am goodnight!
HAPPY MONDAY!!!! I'm trying my HARDEST to get three more updates in by friday. I'm literally typing and editing over time. LOVE YA'LL
MY LOOOVVEEES!!!! I have just updated the Introduction on Sasusaku so you can see the part 2 mood board AAAHHHHHHHHHH! Chapter 10 closes out the first arc which was part 1 (chapter 10 is coming very soon) now we are nearing part 2! Which is really the meat and bones of this story! I’m going to post a separate section for all three mood boards for part 2 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ See you soon ;)
Falling For You has reached 40k reads, I have no words. I love every single person who has supported the story. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! Every new comment or vote literally sends my heart flying❤️ I love you all dearly
There’s so much s*xual tension between me and an iced latte right now (mind you it’s 20 degrees outside lol) but I’m on my period and this craving can’t be stopped *crying emoji*
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