
anddddddd thats the story on how im bout to call cps to come pick me up


I know this is late but are you okay now? 


this message may be offensive
soooo my mom most deff just kicked me out- its over dumb shit like im not fast i dont go around having sex i dont smoke nothing none of that. but a couple days ago i found out that my cousin had sex with my brother and im like wtfc ew... so i told my mom about it and she got like super mad she was yelling at me calling me so many names (yk how black moms are)so its all like so overwhelming for me so i stopped talking to her like completely shut her out so the next morning she comes up to me and tells me goodmorning im like i honestly dont wanna talk rn so shes all " okay bitch you dont gotta talk to me over YOUR stupidity " im like okay cool  so then next thing ik shes telling me to pack my bags and that im going to live with my dad im like wow okay i pack my bags and my dad never came so i gts the next day she tells me "your dad didnt come so clearly nby wants you and your the problem" im like okay cool its wtv then she gets ready to leav and she tells me to get out the house while shes gone bcs she dosent want any " strangers " in her house...i genially cant make this up


Thank you for my request 


@princessA2007  ohhhhhh thats gone needa part 2


The physco song