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hey um.
(i’ve just been really confused about my sexuality lately and i just have no one to talk to so yea :))
one moment i think im bisexual but then i just like women more then men and im just not interested in men at all but then i see a guy like min fucking yoongi and im like AWOOGA.
i just dont get it. i may just be a closeted lesbian or probably a confused bisexual. idek.
like hell women are just fucking amazing and hot and beautiful and exquisite in every fucking way but then there’s just those certain guys that i’ve seen online and I’ll probably never meet in real life and im just like :-1.
idk anymore. but i do like this girl at the moment, she’s really cute and she’s funny and she just makes me feel happy.
and she isn’t straight but im just not sure ab myself yet. I cant tell any of my friends because they’re all a bunch of ✨heterosexuals✨ and they wouldn’t understand.
i cant tell my fam either because im not gonna come out to them as anything even if i figure it out because they’re not really as open minded and accepting as other parents or other people would be. but yea
thanks for going on this mini rant w me <33