
Hello! Thank you so much for supporting my Jeongchan story! I sincerely appreciate it because I thought no one would like or read it <33333333 you have truly made my day so much better!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ <(^~^)>


@ft_changkyunii3_ft awww Jkjj you made my day again today!! Wow thank you so much! I literally can’t believe that I- wow thank you (^~^) my story is so....just horrible so I truly appreciate all of your kind and generous words ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Ilysm 


@KpopLandIsHome omg i'm barely reading this right now!!! ,, and ahhhhh Jeongchan story omg its so amazing but i'ma read it again cuz i lost my place lol and cuz its so good i wanna read it again ,, i cant wait for updates about the story ,, hope you have amazing morning ,, night ,, or afternooon and i'm glad i made your day last month lol <333333