For all the writers, especially amateurs, please do not let the euphoric feeling of having your stories known to take over your rationality. I've read some stories that have disclaimers warning the readers to be open-minded. If you want your readers to be open-minded, then you also have to be open-minded. Do not close your doors of opportunities to improve by discouraging some readers who comment on your stories to point out the flaws/mistakes they found. I hope you can take that as constructive criticisms that you use to improve. Remember that the moment you started feeling the passion to write, the moment you started your story or the moment you started to publish your story, you already became a writer. Being a writer does not end in writing stories. It extends to having responsibility for the impact your story has on the readers. You have the responsibility for the words you type, the plot you make, and the characters that you created. You are liable for the impact of your stories on your readers. You are an influencer. Be responsible and accountable.
For the readers, an author who has huge followers and readership does not make them exempted from being responsible and accountable for what they write. As a reader, we have the right to criticize especially when we see the misconceptions and flaws that can be improved. Do not, please for the love of God, defend a writer with broken belief on what is right and wrong and are close-minded. Just, please, don't. Do not excuse them by saying "Just read, don't mind the grammars," "If you just keep on pointing out the flaws, then don't read this. Go to the perfect stories." Because by doing so, we are enabling them to spread the misconceptions of reality that youth can read. Yes, yes, they are fiction. But the fiction genre does not mean that everything is not real. The characters, the perspectives, the settings, and the scenes can be real to some readers. The behaviors mirror reality. It can become their reality.