God I just want to find a good book! Something good..... Some people are really descriptive and it fucking annoying
  • Lexington, Virginia
  • InscritFebruary 11, 2014

Histoires par Margaret Lawrence
Eight people you meet going to heaven par margar4t
Eight people you meet going to hea...
Kayla Ashland is dead, she is going to have to face her life's past Demond's to go to heaven, by meeting peop...
My collection of quotes and poems  par margar4t
My collection of quotes and poems
Umm..... my iCloud is really getting full, so I decided to put all my favorite quotes and poems together in o...
I open letter to my ex best friend  par margar4t
I open letter to my ex best friend
I didn't write this, but I wanted to share it
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