
I acknowledge I made grammatical mistakes in the BTFW Prologue. I am currently fixing it while also working on another chapter, which will be up soon. I may add / remove lines in the prologue to improve Arianna's point of view and dialogue. Please look forward, thank you.
          	— RWA


@maris_universe  uhm whats taking so long?:???


I acknowledge I made grammatical mistakes in the BTFW Prologue. I am currently fixing it while also working on another chapter, which will be up soon. I may add / remove lines in the prologue to improve Arianna's point of view and dialogue. Please look forward, thank you.
          — RWA


@maris_universe  uhm whats taking so long?:???


I changed Finn Shire's name to Flint Shire, because I was getting uncomfortable with the name Finn for some reason. 'Finn' started to sound like a mistake that I needed to fix but I was still reluctant to change it since this has literally been his name for years. It would take a lot of getting used to when you change a characters' name. Today I'm glad I made this decision early on before a lot of BTFW chapters were published. If there were already so many chapters, more effort is needed and it would be too late. Plus he now has a cooler, meaningful, and more unique name sooo... It's finally fixed I'm now at peace!! When you start to feel uneasy about a certain thing from an OC, it's ok to change it. Sometimes, it's ok to correct mistakes until you are satisfied, that's what I always did... right? Don't worry it's just his silly name that changed, but he is still overall the same person. Thank you my readers for following the development of BTFW and I am looking forward to more chapters with you soon, so that you will get to know more about Finn— I MEAN FLINT and all the other characters in the story. Also it was his birthday yesterday (2/3), happy belated birthday to him hoorayyy:D


Hey, please don't forget my existence, this universe is still alive of course... I shall not allow the Eraser Assembly to succeed..! I just have a few announcements to make.
          I just noticed there were some grammatical mistakes in BTFW Chapter 1.1 so I fixed it. I also changed the species of Aika and Laika, from parrot to fox. I was just getting uncomfortable with them being a parrot because it started to not make sense, so making them foxes instead was the better idea, with the symbolism behind it too.  As for the upcoming BTFW 1.2 Chapter, I'm sorry it's taking a while to publish, it's already ready but still have some reviewing to do. I'm also working on later chapters in advance, which furthermore explains the delay.  Rest assured that it will be released sometime this week, maybe today even. Lots of surprises coming up, so get ready for that:)
          2022 has been a great year, as it is the year of my rebirth, but I can sense 2023 will be even greater, gaining lots of progress with my writing. I will do my best to catch up with my personal deadlines and provide you with quality story content. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for even caring to read my carefully crafted stories, just knowing that some few people love my work.. you are my motivation to push on further with my creation, my universe.  
          — RWA


@maris_universe TEA!!! The Eraser Assembly!!! LMAO, the name is so creative. Like, T.E.A. and the fact that the E means eraser... It can either be a deep or a funny meaning at the same time!




@maris_universe oh yey welcome back... late reply because i just opened my account now lol