
aye what’s up guys. i can’t believe people are actually still reading my stuff i posted like two years ago. i’m a very different person now and i think it’s for the better. i may get back into the wattpad groove and write some new stories that i believe are better or i may not. i haven’t had much time recently and i kept forgetting about this platform. i guess we’ll see. if we were old friends hmu, i miss some of you. i’m gonna see what i can do with writing new stories. these ones should be longer and better quality (no promises on the quality part) and will be different from the other stories i have written in the past. more original stories than fanfictions and stuff. i will keep my old stuff up so don’t worry but if further down the like i feel like it’s tainting my image as a writer i am delete them. i doubt i will tho because i don’t really take this seriously. thanks for the support after abandoning this account for like two years.


aye what’s up guys. i can’t believe people are actually still reading my stuff i posted like two years ago. i’m a very different person now and i think it’s for the better. i may get back into the wattpad groove and write some new stories that i believe are better or i may not. i haven’t had much time recently and i kept forgetting about this platform. i guess we’ll see. if we were old friends hmu, i miss some of you. i’m gonna see what i can do with writing new stories. these ones should be longer and better quality (no promises on the quality part) and will be different from the other stories i have written in the past. more original stories than fanfictions and stuff. i will keep my old stuff up so don’t worry but if further down the like i feel like it’s tainting my image as a writer i am delete them. i doubt i will tho because i don’t really take this seriously. thanks for the support after abandoning this account for like two years.


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aye guys. recently signed back into this account for old time’s sake. i most likely won’t be on this account for long unless somehow i find inspiration to write stories. i am active on instagram tho (@/lunar.vibess) and discord (@lunar vibes#3407) if you want to chat and shit. anyways feel free to message me if you’re adding me on an social media and stuff.


I need to start getting in Wattpad more...ugh I feel like I'm just stopping everyone from enjoying my stories by not updating them, I have the time just not the motivation...also I might be making a Leafy fanfic and maybe if I come up with some good ideas, a Death Note fanfic, since I've gotten into Death Note and I'm really loving it so far, the only time I'd do one is when I finish it but, god I love Death Note, it's gotta be my favorite...I still LOVE SAO and I'm still going to make that Asuna X Reader fanfic but I seriously love Death Note more...oOpS


Hey guys, I'm going to do a revised version of Missing'll be the same story (maybe just a bit modified) and basically be the same thing. But there will be a better POV thing and spelling mistakes will be changed and it's basically just just cleaning up the crap I wrote before. I'm going to keep the old one up because it was the first story I wrote and I feel like it'd give people an idea of how far I've come, anyways see you bossipliers later!


may I just ask what happened with the Asuna x reader story? I was looking forward to finishing reading it.


I just felt that it wasn't as good as it could of been so I deleted it...sorry about that but I'm going to create another SAO fanfic so there's that to loon forward to if you want to read another one (btw it'll be Asuna X Reader)