
A new chapter for The Unseen will be out tomorrow - New Year's day,  St. Louis time. Getting so close to the end - must speed up. 
          	Happy New Year everyone!


@mdpotter55 thank you Mike! Happy New Year to you!


I admit, I made a mistake. I started reading The Unchipped, even though I have a rule against reading works in progress. It was not even an honest mistake, as I am well acquainted with your work and I knew that I will not be able to put the book down. So just know some people are anxious for each new chapter!
          Thanks again for all your creations and as many have said before, these ought to be published. I am sure you know that.
          Have a great year and here's for hoping Teegen can actually meet Malkiel and Rashid. More needed now than ever.


MDPotter..  Mr. Dream Cloud I was reading the about the author and was wondering whom you referring to with comments like "Hopes of becoming a better writer" plus "You might write something worthy"?   
          I've read most of your words and have been moved, inspired and touched at a deep level emotion.   I for one find your writings a escape from the harsh reality of this World.... 
          Never sell yourself short and always believe you are gifted by a higher power...
          Thank you for many of sleepless night and tired eyes in morning.
          Peace be with you and yours.


@RARRodrig Thank you and all of the peace of the world with you as well.


I finished The Unseen and I loved it. I have read quite a few of your previous works which I have also enjoyed which lead me to The Unseen. I was not expecting a trilogy length story when I started, but I found myself looking forward to getting home from work for weeks just to continue it. I'm not by any means a literary critic, but I enjoyed The Unseen the most out of any book I have read this year. I agree with others who hope that it one day gets published. Thank you for weeks of enjoyment and hope The Unchipped is going well. 
          -Another Mike


Ps. I started to read The Unchipped, but forced myself to quit reading as I wouldn't be able to stand not being able to continue reading while you continue to work on it. From what I did read, up to chapter 10ish, I'm super excited for it's completion. I even set a reminder each year on my calendar to check on the progress to see when it's complete so I can binge it all. I hope all going well in your life apart from the writing as well.


          Your writing continues to amaze and delight me
          Would like to have a conversation with you about editing your ongoing story The Unchipped 
          Please contact me through Wattpad or directly through AOL using my username 
          Many  thanks


Finished the unseen today, you have a talent for writing. I read a lot and not many suck me in the way this one did. Yours was the first work I’ve read not by someone I followed here and all I can say is I’m glad I chose it.


@OsirisXv Thank you! It feels good when someone finds my work entertaining.  You made my day.