
Hello. It’s me again. Recently I’ve been reading through my old stories on here, basically stalking my own profile, and it has awoken so many memories. Idk if anyone’s active anymore or even have the app, but I just thought it’d be fun to check in. So yea. I might start writing something. Kinda miss the wattpad days, so yeah:) Cool to be "back"


Hello. It’s me again. Recently I’ve been reading through my old stories on here, basically stalking my own profile, and it has awoken so many memories. Idk if anyone’s active anymore or even have the app, but I just thought it’d be fun to check in. So yea. I might start writing something. Kinda miss the wattpad days, so yeah:) Cool to be "back"


Hehe, many updates, anyway
          I have started on a story that is NOT fanfiction:) I’m not sure what the plot is yet, but the main character is a sophmore named Andrew, and he has friends and things are gonna happen, idk I’m excited, but I’m also reading The Twisted Ones by Scott Cawthon and doing a bunch of other stuff, so I’m probably gonna be slow. 
          Since I don’t really have a plot yet, and all I’ve written is a prolouge and one chapter, I don’t have a title or anything, so I’m not publishing amything yet. But stay tuned✨


I am regretting making my Tom Holland fanfic. I don’t like that it’s about Tom Holland. I still love Tom, and it’s really fun to write the story, I just wish I wrote it with random/original characters. I also regret writing it in "you" form, it’s exhausting and cringy, but oh well. Think I wanna start on a story that isn’t a fanfic. Not saying I’m done with "Crushing", but yeah. 


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
Hey. So as your probably know, a month (and two days) ago, I lost my best friend. It has been super hard, but I have gotten a lot of support. I am feeling better. So thank you for supporting me and sending me lovely messages
          I posted a new chapter to my Tom Holland story, so that’s something. 
          I have have summer break which is great. I’m going on riding camp today, so that’ll be fun:) It is raining a lot though:( But ye, I’m excited to see my stable friends:)
          Also, my grades were fuckin awesome this semester Our grade system is like this: 1, 1+, 2-, 2, 2+, 3-, 3, 3+, 4-, 4, 4+, 5-, 5, 5+, 6. So 6 is the highest you can get. My average was 5.6, which I think is really good teehee, bE pRoUd. 
          MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! Today it’s been 51 years since the Stonewall Riots. They were mainly lead by black, trans women, and those riots are the main reason we LGBTQ+ people have rights today. We do have a long way to go though. There are still states in the US where gay marriage is ILLEGAL, and there are 72 countries where it is illegal to do anything gay. There are many countries where homosexual men get killed by stoning, shooting, hanging, whatever, just because of who the fucking love. That is MURDER, and it’s LEGAL. In the same countries, young, queer people get whipped, stoned, cut, and so many HORRIBLE things. 
          Even in countries/states where being gay/trans is legal, we get hate. Norway, where I come from, is #2 on gay rights. We are second best at accepting people. But that doesn’t mean people aren’t hateful. People hate us because we love people. They hate us and put us down because we are unique. It is so unfair, and it makes me hate humanity. 
          But happy pride everyone. Love yourselves, be true to yourselves, stay safe, and help others❤️


Hey. Today is a very very bad day. My dog sadly passed away. I’ve had her since I was two years old, so I can’t remember a life without her. She’s always been there for me. She’s my best friend. When I was sad, she’d cuddle up closer to me, and when I was happy, she’d get super excited. She was the weirdest dog anyone has ever seen, but also the funniest, sweetest, cutest, and most loving dog ever. I didn’t get to say goodbye to her before she died. She was with my sister, and even though me and my mom rushed to her place to try to get to say goodbye to her, we didn’t make it. About three minutes before we got there, she had just fallen down. When we came into her living room, she was lying there, eyes and mouth slightly open, and she was having these cramps. Her body was moving, but she was dead. We took her home, and burried her in our garden. I can see her from my bedroom window, and we are going to plant berry bushes by her grave. I’m just glad she isn’t in pain anymore. 
          This is extremely didficult for me, since she was my best friend. Idk if I’ll be able to do anything for a bit, so sorry if I’m unactive. Hope you understand


Thank you so much, it means so much to hear this. Maybe I'll write to get my mind on something nice, or maybe I'll be inactive, I don't know, but yeah, thank you.


@Tom_Holland_is_smexy hey it’s completely fine. I am so sorry that this happened. It’s always so hard. I remember when my dog died, my whole family was a mess so I know how bad it can be. I really do and I’m so sorry that you didn’t even get to say goodbye... take all the time you need love 


Aww I’m so sorry! Loosing a furry friend is the worst feeling in the world! I hope she rests in peace in doggy heaven! I’m here for you if you need ❤️


Hey, so, I’m not feeling very great about my Tom Holland fanfic, so I think I’ll start on a new story. I’m sure I’ll get back to it, but for now, I’m starting on something else:)
          Also, I’m so frickin pissed about the Spider-Man out of MCU and shii>:(((((((((


Aw, thanks! I will! I just need a break 


@Tom_Holland_is_smexy  please get back to your story soon! I really love it 