
Hey guys!
          	I really do miss writing and stuff, but this break has been /so/ good to my mental health. When school ends i'll return to a weekly update schedule for each story and hopefully even publish some original stuff!
          	I miss you all dearly, and I cant wait until im back.
          	P.S: Should i do some next to normal x reader?


          Idk how to put this but basically this is my old account that I may or may not have gotten locked out of over a year ago. 
          Sucky, I know. I know a lot of you liked my writing, and I might continue soon!


Ok so in one of your stories (A Lone Newsie) you said that if people had Newsies x reader stuff to send them your way so you could read them, or something like that. Look I just want some input on my story and I was wondering if you could give my story a shot. It’s fine if don’t want to or don’t have the time to read it I just thought I’d make the request. 
          By the way I adore your stuff it’s fabulous. 
          It’s called. Your Pal, Crutchie (Crutchie x reader)


Hey guys!
          I really do miss writing and stuff, but this break has been /so/ good to my mental health. When school ends i'll return to a weekly update schedule for each story and hopefully even publish some original stuff!
          I miss you all dearly, and I cant wait until im back.
          P.S: Should i do some next to normal x reader?