Hi I do stuff my name is Merio but you can just call me Mecurey, because I misspelled Mercury but shut up.
My first two stories have awful spelling and grammar so don't read them whatever you do, and I don't do much here...
I play games and I watch Gordon Ramsay at 3am AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA don't visit it 100% bad comedy,
And the best robot master is NapalmMan again don't @ me.
Please help me....
also best Kamen Rider is Ex-aid; I hate speaking to people.
Oh yeah if I say mean things on your stories don't take it personally , i'm just being stupid
also chair, oh hey and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHgc8Q6qTjc


Oh oh and keep on typing because if you don't then
M A R I O W I L L E A T Y O Y S P A G H E T T I !

I have a Scratch account but it's just stupid https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Mecurey/ for your own sanity
  • somewhere
  • IscrittoJuly 26, 2017


Ultimo messaggio
merio640 merio640 Jun 17, 2020 11:01PM
I just got Starter Deck Yuya! It's a pretty good deck, Preformerpals apparently it's a fun deck alongside Zoodiacs
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Storie di Mercurybutspeltright
Run away di merio640
Run away
The year is 3088 and Alkamot discovers the dark fate of the Earth. in 3089 the entity will destroy the Earth...
The Starscream files di merio640
The Starscream files
Ay it's a story about Starscream woah!
transformers the new destination di merio640
transformers the new destination
on a distant planet called earth a war begins heads up some bad editing and drawings just to say
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