
It's been a really long time since I have even looked at this account and wow. I can't believe I thought about deleting this whole thing to start fresh.. It made a bit sentimental to look through my old stories but I honestly think that it's time for me to take this account for what it is: a fun outlet. I put so much pressure on myself to make this writing thing happen without really putting in the effort so I think I'm going to delete everything, minus stuff I really like (and the smut bc y'all seem to like it lol) and I'll just post stuff I want to write on here so I can have second opinions. Sound fair to you guys that are still out there?


It's been a really long time since I have even looked at this account and wow. I can't believe I thought about deleting this whole thing to start fresh.. It made a bit sentimental to look through my old stories but I honestly think that it's time for me to take this account for what it is: a fun outlet. I put so much pressure on myself to make this writing thing happen without really putting in the effort so I think I'm going to delete everything, minus stuff I really like (and the smut bc y'all seem to like it lol) and I'll just post stuff I want to write on here so I can have second opinions. Sound fair to you guys that are still out there?


Okay, voting time. I think I am going to forsake this account and start over. Focus on actually giving you guys what you want as far as stories go. I have grown up a lot with my writing and I think it's time for a fresh start. What are your thoughts? Completely redo this account? or start fresh? If I get no responses, the answer might be pretty clear.


I've been meaning to do this for a long time, edit and clean up my wattpad... make it look more professional...ish. Anyways, I finally have time so I put all my poetry in one cohesive place. Nothing has been deleted, or edited for that matter. I tried to put it in order of newest to oldest so it'd be easier to update... bare with me! XD


Anyone have any suggestions on writing daily? I've been trying to write for just five minutes every day, just to get back into the pace of writing... but I still have sooo much trouble enjoying what I'm writing. I have writer's block but I have this HUGE urge to write... Any help would be nice...


Chapter 2 of "'Genesis' : The Beginning" is finally coming together. Please comment and vote so I'll know what to do differently. Any advice would be lovely.. I'm trying to get back into writing daily so any comments are invited!