Hi people and welcome to my page. I'm a nineteen year old girl, starting my studies at a new university, starting a new life in a new country. And still as lost and weird as always. I'm just here loving books and loving to create while trying to figure out my own self. Please give my stories a try, most recent ones are my poems (Wattpad is my therapy) 
Hopefully you'll like it and if you do let me know c:

new edit: I'm 20 now. Uni sucks lol but hey, I'M STILL ALIVE.

edit edit: I'm 21. What a year it's been..
  • JoinedApril 6, 2014

Stories by dreamy dude
Poems by miyukii_sama
A collection of my thoughts put into poems.
My element by miyukii_sama
My element
As a young teenage girl it is not easy to keep things secret. Things that normally do not exist in real life...
ranking #447 in element See all rankings
Haiku by miyukii_sama
+2 more