I'm confused. Your profile picture is... *ahem* Tronnor. But your reading list is full of... Yay...Troyler. Explain.
1) NO HOPE IN TROYLER?! Troyler (although *sniffle* many people are losing faith) at least has more proof than TRONNOR! Tronnor proof isn't, well, REAL: Troye: Hey Connor Connor: Hey Troye Random Fangirl: TRONNOR PROOF!!! 2) I don't like Connor too much either. He's boring.
@FrayedPerception well, I don't even use watt pad anymore haha I used to be troyler shipper from the beginning and I even have my own theory but then I started shipping TRONNOR because I couldnt see any hopes in troyler BUT I still preferred troyler fanfics because I didn't really like Connor (idk don't ask) so i read tons of troyler fanfics and just a few tronnor ones. hope you understood x