Hey folks, just sending a week’s notice to all that any of my books that centre around Lui Calibre (Lui) or Mini Ladd (Craig Thompson) will be removed soon. January 1st, the books include Duet, Ensemble, Whirlwind, and any one shots involving these individuals will be unpublished. I have said my stance before, but I will repeat just in case people don’t know. I know I take a fictional take on these people and write them my own way, but in the end, they are real people who have done bad things. I don’t want to be an introduction or increase exposure of these two individuals, but I also understand that I have put my heart into writing the stories involving them and people have really enjoyed them in the past. I’m sorry if this upsets anyone, but I just don’t feel comfortable advertising (because in a way it is) and shipping real people anymore, especially those that have done deplorable things and refuse to take accountability. Unfortunate Omega will also be considered as complete, since I am done writing about real ppl (although I still ship them, just low key now haha). If anyone really loved these books (god bless your soul), as long as you put them in your library and don’t delete them, I believe they can still be read even after I delete. I also won’t be completely deleting these books, so if someone missed their chance to save these books, I may make an exception. I will be getting into writing original novels when I’m free from here on. Thank you all who continue to support me and who have supported me in the past.
Merry Christmas everyone!