
Give me a ❤️ if I can count on you 




Give me a ❤️ if I can count on you 




Okay this is like my first time ever saying sth on Wattpad huh.
          I have no idea how to really start this (that’s why my books are trash and not published) so I’m just gonna go with it.
          The world at this point is horrible, it breaks my heart that in this age and time, we still have to deal with issues that shouldn’t be a problem but some humans keep staying trash anyway. What happened to George Floyd absolutely broke me and I’ve been thinking what if sth like that ever happens to my little cousins who are black. Their skin color shouldn’t matter and it shouldn’t determine a single thing but it seems it still does and it’s just.... awful. I wish I had a vast knowledge of vocabulary but I’m an illiterate weirdo and I have no other words to describe this situation as such. Things like race, religion and sexuality unfortunately still makes people “different” and that is honestly f*cking sad.
          And there are forests getting burnt in my country so that’s also fantastic *sighs*
          Anyways, it’s pride month, and I wanted to say happy pride to all of you beautiful queers. 
           #blacklivesmatter #immakingmorehashtagsrnignoreme #stopburningforestsyouassholes #stopmurderingpeoplefornoreason #besafe #washyourhands #begay #happypride