day seven of no school and i didn’t realise how much i needed it. i miss my friends, i miss my biology teacher and i even miss my incompetent pathetic excuse of a maths teacher. i want to go back to school.
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day seven of no school and i didn’t realise how much i needed it. i miss my friends, i miss my biology teacher and i even miss my incompetent pathetic excuse of a maths teacher. i want to go back to school.
day seven of no school and i didn’t realise how much i needed it. i miss my friends, i miss my biology teacher and i even miss my incompetent pathetic excuse of a maths teacher. i want to go back to school.
i don’t have the corona virus. but at least once a day i’ll convince myself i have the symptoms and panic. yesterday i thought i had a cough, the day before was a dry throat and tiredness. sometimes knowledge isn’t the best thing and that’s why i’ve muted all twitter mentions of corona virus- today, i managed to forget about it for a while. limit your exposure to the media- it does help your mental health lol
happy new year everyone! i hope 2020 is much better than 2019 was!
Merry Christmas!!
merry christmas everyone! and if you don’t celebrate it happy december 25th!!
the witcher did not just end like that. what.
@moodiemess lol, I still have to watch it, haven't had the time because of work and school during the holidays...
i hate boys.
@melraen no that’s the thing, ive known him for like a year and a half now and believe me, i’ve seen him at his lowest. he’s never been like THIS before. it’s just annoying! we had such a good thing going. he was my best friend and i told him everything i think i used to like him a lot but not so much anymore it’s just pissing me off, like what the fuck does he want me to do about it. i dont know at this point. i think he’s tainted now tbh. im not trying to come off as a prude or anything. i had this sort of fantasy of him i guess? where he was actually nice and smart and funny- and he wasnt trying to make me do stuff like send nudes (which i am not comfortable with) i know this sounds stupid but i have a whole different perception of him now.
@moodiemess let it out, baby. sometimes, you start to like someone before really getting to know them. how can you really know if you ACTUALLY like them if you’ve never seen them at their lowest? i know how you feel, and you can start to lose hope. then again, if you’re really unsure, you know there’s only one thing left to do. letting go is hard, and it gets easier over time, but overall, those feeling will still be there like a lingering memory. it might take years before you can think of this boy again without your feelings getting in the way, and maybe decades before those feelings disperse, but sometimes, you just know. so, what is your heart telling you?
@melraen yes please. the boy that i’ve liked for a long time, i dont think i like very much anymore because he’s been getting a little weird. he keeps mentioning how he has a ‘problem’ and how he’s horny. but there’s only so much i can do yano? he lives so far away and i hate the way he’s acting and i want him to stop but i dont want him to think im a prude and stop speaking to me but i also want to tell him to fuck off. you feel
i turn seventeen tomorrow. seventeen. i dont feel that old- i dont want to grow up. but i have to and that’s TERRIFYING. i thought by seventeen, id have a boyfriend and have clear skin and be really skinny and be really smart. all of those are half true and still- its not good enough. im not where i want to be but i dont have the motivation to do anything about it. i turn seventeen. tomorrow. fuckkkk i’m having a great day lol-
@melraen aw lovely, that was the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me. thank you so much, i really appreciate it ❤️❤️ you’re so nice, thank you!
@1purpleflower i know same, i still feel like a kid at heart and i dont want to grow up! it’s so scary! i know i do, but its a little disheartening you know aww you’re actually so sweet, thank you for that ^^ ❤️❤️ its nice to know im not alone haha
happy early birthday, sweetheart! you are perfect just the way you are, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. don’t be disappointed, when you should be proud of how far you’ve come! life doesn’t always go the way you want it to, but that doesn’t mean it’s a flop. don’t let what your lacking define you when there is so much more to you. remember this; you are not as simple as they wanted you to be. happy seventeenth, angel!
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