
Happy holidays my readers ☃️ 


Hello, I just finished The call Boy Red phone and I fell in love with your stories, how beautiful, what you write is really art, thanks for sharing your talent with us. Greetings from Costa Rica


@ morganajikook  hi, i'm a kookminstan shipper from vietnam.Can you allow me to translate the fic "The Call Boy(the red phone Society)" ?.
            I promise to write down all the necessary information
            please let me translate the fic
            thank you very much


Querida no se puede traducir al español  que pena  una más de tus historias que no puedo leerla gracias


@ PatriciaCortez339  hola, abre el Wattpad en tu navegador del cel y ahí puedes darle traducir 


Dear author: I stumbled on one of your stories “The Call Boy( The red phone society) and I am in love. It’s so beautiful written. The love of Jikook in this book is the love that all could dram for. 
          I am still reading it and can’t wait to finished. I will continue to read all of your stories and hope to read many of new one from you.
          Thank you!


Your words fill my heart. Within my limitations when writing in another language and translating, I have tried to get everyone to accompany me in this story, to live it with me, thanks for reading and feeling my story.