Hope you’re well! Was just reminded about how much I love Gucci Suit… might reread for the hell of it
Reading Lists
hey wonderful, beautiful humans. first off, i'm so sorry for the radio silence. not only has a lot been going on in my life, but gucci suit has been posing it's own challenges for me. sometimes, i read it back to myself and don't get me wrong, i'm proud of it especially because it's the first thing i've written that's had this much attention. but at the same time... i hate it. when i was first writing it, i was so inspired and in such a hurry to get it up on here that i didn't give it a chance to settle and let myself go over it to make sure i was completely happy with it before i shared it with you. so, now when i read it back, in some places it feels somewhat forced, sometimes over the top or unauthentic which is the opposite of what i wanted. i know that i'm capable of writing better than some of what's in gucci suit, and it frustrates me that i can't change the parts i dislike because its out here already and it would change the story for everyone who reads it so loyally. don't get me wrong here, i still love the concept and even more so i love the characters i've created. i just hate the way it's written. and that's the biggest reason there hasn't been an update in so long. because i just don't want to write it like this, when it's something i'm just not happy with anymore. i don't want to abandon it - if anything i'd love to do a 'second draft' and share it with all of you. but it won't be quick. this time around i want to take my time with it, to actually be pleased with my work before i open it up to the world. and i know you've all been waiting so patiently for an update, and i'm so sorry that this is far from that, but i hope you can understand how i'm feeling. this book is my baby and i want to be proud of her and right now something's just not right. and even though it won't be for a while, i do hope some of you will stick around for the redraft. i love and appreciate you all so much. thank you for coming on this journey with me. H x
Hope you’re well! Was just reminded about how much I love Gucci Suit… might reread for the hell of it
Hope everyone's doing okay <33
Hope you’re doing well that’s all! Figured I’d let you know GS is a comfort book for me that I always come back to :) even if you don’t love it know that there are people who do like it is now ❤️❤️
oh thank you for this. i’ve actually reread it recently (trying to get some inspo flowing) and like...i don’t /completely/ hate it so i guess that’s a good thing? and reading everyone’s lovely comments reminded me how much you all love it ❤️
Anyone here?
hey wonderful, beautiful humans. first off, i'm so sorry for the radio silence. not only has a lot been going on in my life, but gucci suit has been posing it's own challenges for me. sometimes, i read it back to myself and don't get me wrong, i'm proud of it especially because it's the first thing i've written that's had this much attention. but at the same time... i hate it. when i was first writing it, i was so inspired and in such a hurry to get it up on here that i didn't give it a chance to settle and let myself go over it to make sure i was completely happy with it before i shared it with you. so, now when i read it back, in some places it feels somewhat forced, sometimes over the top or unauthentic which is the opposite of what i wanted. i know that i'm capable of writing better than some of what's in gucci suit, and it frustrates me that i can't change the parts i dislike because its out here already and it would change the story for everyone who reads it so loyally. don't get me wrong here, i still love the concept and even more so i love the characters i've created. i just hate the way it's written. and that's the biggest reason there hasn't been an update in so long. because i just don't want to write it like this, when it's something i'm just not happy with anymore. i don't want to abandon it - if anything i'd love to do a 'second draft' and share it with all of you. but it won't be quick. this time around i want to take my time with it, to actually be pleased with my work before i open it up to the world. and i know you've all been waiting so patiently for an update, and i'm so sorry that this is far from that, but i hope you can understand how i'm feeling. this book is my baby and i want to be proud of her and right now something's just not right. and even though it won't be for a while, i do hope some of you will stick around for the redraft. i love and appreciate you all so much. thank you for coming on this journey with me. H x
hey my lovelies, thank you all so much for your responses to my last post, i really appreciate all of the feedback. and i have finally come to a decision. the entire time i've been working on this fic, i've always had a plan. right from the beginning i knew how i wanted everything to pan out, how everything was going to go down. And it's because of that fact that i've decided not to involve an mpreg in gucci suit. of course i know that many of you were for it, but i love this book and i really don't want to do something that doesn't feel right to me. because i've always known how gucci suit is going to end, i sort of knew, deep down, that adding mpreg didn't feel right but i got into a people-pleasing headspace, which is something i do often. but i don't want to be that writer who alters the book every five minutes when it had a perfectly good plot laid out to begin with. so, yeah, I'm sorry if this isn't the answer you wanted, but i have to go with my heart on this one. and thank you again for all your kind words and support throughout the writing of this book so far, it means more to me than i could ever express to you. honestly i don't think I'll ever be able to find the words to thank all of you properly. I am so, so grateful, especially for your patience and understanding. thank you for sticking by me for all this time, even when updates have been few and far between. your support continues to overwhelm me and inspire me to do better and keep going. thank you. i love all of you endlessly, but especially today. H x
hey beautiful humans, okay, i know there has been discussion on this in the past in the comments section and i acknowledged it at the time but never made an actual decision, so this is where you guys come in. please answer honestly, yes or no - would you like gucci suit to be an mpreg? it's going to make a massive difference as i work to update it as it is, and for planning the third person transition for ao3. so please, please answer honestly and i won't be offended either way because i have a plan for both scenarios and will happy write either of them. ta in advance lovelies <3 H x
Sorry for the second comment but I also think mpreg would make it contradictory to the rest of the book. They’re in a company and I think mpreg would take away the seriousness of owning a multi million dollar company. The workplace is such a serious time in the book, it’s chaotic and reflects daily working life in the real world. Adding mpreg would make the book unrelatable and just weird. I think it would make more sense and be a lot more heartfelt if Niall and Harry reflect on the downside of their sexuality in how they cannot have a child of their own between them. But then Gemma or another female friend offers to be a surrogate and it’s this amazing moment that brings the styles family even closer! Love this book, no pressure H ;) xxx
I personally don’t think mpreg is a good idea for this book. The story is so beautiful and I think an mpreg would just make it weird... I think you should introduce a female friend, get really close and then she’s a surrogate for them. Then it can go through the whole pregnancy journey. Mpreg would just make it unrealistic and weird. Obviously it’s your book but I really advise against mpreg xx
Hi! Yes I’d like to read that :) always nice to see a baby in the mix :)) take your time in writing, we’ll be waiting :D
hey lovelies thank you all so much for responding to my last post, it’s helped me and my indecision a lot. i’ve decided to definitely move over to ao3 but i AM going to post updates for gucci suit here too, so don’t worry about that if you want to keep reading it and don’t have/like ao3. but i’m having a dilemma with converting it into third person, because i have this urge to sort of reconstruct (?) it a little bit instead of just changing the pronouns and tenses etc. it’s always been a thing for me when reading back stuff i’ve written in a rush, which is definitely the case for some of gucci suit, especially the earlier chapters, so i was kinda expecting to want to change parts of it. it does feel a little hurried to me in some places when i read it back and i f*ckin love this book and i want it to feel right but also not upset people who ik have read it a bunch of times and may not want it to change. i’m guessing people may not be down for major changes to the book and ig they’re not massively ‘major’ per say but it would still make a difference to how it reads. ig what i’m trying to ask is, how would y’all feel about it? the story would be the same, just some light redrafting and a change of person/pov. if you could give me feedback on this i would appreciate it massively bc i’m torn asf over this. ta. H x
I like third person pov more than first person, so I'm definitely down if you decided to change it. But if you lean more towards not changing it, then it's totally okay too.
Do what you need to do so that you like it! I’ve already reread it five times, I don’t mind doing it another time! :)
@narryraindrops followed you on ao3, and will wait for you to post there whenever you do. I don’t mind changes to Gucci suit - it will give me another reason to read from beginning again.
Either is fine - as long as you promise to update Gucci suit soonish plz. Have been waiting for an update for ages now - third person narrative is great, but whatever works for you. Thanks.
hey peeps, here’s the thing i’ve been thinking for a while about moving my stuff over to ao3. obviously i’ll leave the books/chapters here that are still published, but i kinda want to move over and then continue my books on ao3 instead. how would y’all feel about that? also been considering putting gucci suit (and others maybe) into third person because writing in first person is putting blocks up for me big time, hence the lack of updates. ik that no one will probably respond to this, but if you do see it and have an opinion please give feedback. i’ve kinda made the decision but if enough people want me to post new chapters (mainly of gs) on here too then i can try to work something out. ta. H x
Yess, what user name would you have then? So we can find ur amazing stories there
Yess, I would be sooo happy if you move to ao3. It's way easier to read there because of its user friendly interface. And I think that putting GS into third person will make the story more interesting to read (not that it's not interesting now) and attract more attention to it.
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