
Hey everyone! So I know I haven't been active on wattpad in a while, but I've just recently started a new professional writing blog on tumblr. Follow me at to see a collection of my new pieces. I'll be uploading new work every day. Thank you all for your continued support!


          Did you know that we, @LiteraryShorts have just launched our first awards: Parched Quill 2023 ✧
          This never-seen before edition focuses on the amazing Wattpad Poetry Anthologies that are waiting to be discovered ❤️ 
          Are you a poet whose collections aren't getting enough reads on Wattpad?
          Or are you a poetic enthusiast who's searching for good poetry books to read? 
          We have a little something, for everyone who holds their interest in the poetic world of ethereal imagery, bleeding emotions, loverlorn tales and the entirety of the cosmos if you will!
          So come and join us in an awards that is the first of its kind  
          Keep Writing,
          We got you,
          Literary Shorts! 
          ❦ A direct link to Parched Quill 2023 ✧



"A Tribute to Nature's Beauty" is a poem that celebrates the wonders of the natural world. The poem describes the stunning landscapes of the sky, sun, flowers, grass, trees, rivers, mountains, and oceans, and how they each add to the breathtaking beauty of nature. The poem encourages us to take a moment to appreciate this beauty and cherish each moment of it. The poem has a positive and uplifting tone, reminding us of the gifts that nature provides us with and how they bring joy and peace to our lives.


Hii. So i just wanted to say that i recently started a book for my poems- Chaotic Mistakes. It would be very cool of you if you read and review it once. It would mean a lot to me.  Do vote, comment, and share. 
          Thank you !! 
          This is my book !!