i cant believe ur 16 and going to colledge dang girl im 16 adn i still have two years till i go to colledge! ur gonna have to tell me all about it! and were on easter break but we only get 4 days off. fri sat sun and monday!! if u get that long off for easter how long do u get for christmas haha! and his name is bailey hart and i know its kinda a girly name but i think its original! he like 5, 11 goes to a school bout an hr away hes really sweet and cute!! he has brown hair cut short and hes a soccer player! a good one to. hhis name is all over recruiting websites and his soccer team has been the champs for 5 years! andywasy u have a guy? and yeah we get held back in a certain class not a whole school year when u get in highschool. like if u fail english u stay in that english class another year but all ur other classes will b higher if that makes sense. and summer school.. well we have to have a certain amount of credits to graduate. u get a credit by completing a class. and passing. like english two. if u pass that class u get a credit for that class. we have to have 24 credits to graduate. that means 24 classes. so if u fail a class u dont get a credit so u go to school for that class only for like 5 weeks during summer and do work so u can get that credit back. make sense ?? yeah i miss talking to u!!