
update @ the edge of the universe or delete and come up with something new?
          	I'm sticking with deletion, but
          	your opinions, please


Focus: Yorichii Tanjuro Kamado
          Persona: Faather Of Tanjiro Kamado
          Anime: Demon Slayer (Manga)
          Yoriichi was undisputedly faster than Muzan, who himself was far ahead in speed than the hashira, who can move faster than the eye can perceive, as stated several times throughout the series. To move faster than the human eye can track, you have to travel at 17500 miles a second, or 38146 mph. Even the hashira, who can move that fast, couldn’t even see Muzan’s attacks. For him to be imperceptible even to their eyes, he had to have been at least twice as fast, which would be 76292 mph. An again, Muzan couldn’t perceive Yoriichi’s movements, so doubling that speed once more would be 152584 mph. That's how fast a sword swing from Yoriichi would be. As explained in the manga scan above, Yoriichi cut 1500 separate pieces of Muzan’s flesh on the spot, we’ll say about a second. That’s 1500 sword swings, each at a speed of 152584mph, or 68211 miles per second, in one second. That would be 102,316,500 miles per second or 228875492 mph. That’s roughly 300,756 times faster than the speed of sound. Yoriichi can move at 300,756x the speed of sound. Let that sink in. That’s why he’s the most powerful, particularly in a universe where speed is key.


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
All you need to know about Imperiex is that he has the power to induce the Big Bang. 
          And what’s the Big Bang, you ask?
          As defined by NASA Science, the Big Bang is “how astronomers explain the way the universe began. It is the idea that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow as large as it is right now (and it could still be stretching).”
          That’s right. Imperiex can reset the Universe back to its beginning. Need I say more?
          I do?
          Imperiex can also create Black Holes to suck up entire universes, can consume planets, is able to project blasts of energy that could kill the strongest of opponents in one shot, and has superhuman strength, durability, and stamina that rivals that of Superman.
          lol I'm not weird
          anime next>>>>>


Baba updated sha


Okay so generally I think I have this problem with my writing. One minute an idea pops in for a new story, and I'm all psyched and drafting the entire thing in my brain. Then, after a day or two, it's dead. I've had to delete stories because of this and honestly I dont know how to deal with it. Any thoughts?


no be juju be that?