
Será se vem ai alguma coisa....? Rs
          	What if I post smth today... Lmao


          After much consideration and due to how my life has been unfolding I decided to make the second part of the Freedom Series, (Levi Ackerman) all into one book.
          There are 3 parts so I bet the third will have to go separate because it's longer, I will announce this shortly in HOME. Stay sharp!!!


I'm trying my hardest to update OUTSIDE but I decided last minute to change some POV'S that literally change the course of the story, not the end ofc, but these povs make the difference in the quality of the book, so now I'm arranging all of that. Also, thanks for your support guys, I've been needing it <3


i fell in love with HOME. it's v wholesome! I'm now omw to the next book.  anw, have a great day author! 


@ keunajaem  thank you so much darling  I'm so happy you like it, Outside is being posted very slowly, but I'm working on it since it's a bigger book. Pls be patient and thank you sm for your support✨️


Disclaimer: Oustide is already being posted. I don't know what happened to the format and it's getting me on my nerves. Also, only third of the book is going to be posted in the next weeks/month. 
          I am having major complications with this book but I'm trying my best not to give up.