
Every time I get a comment on a story on this account I cringe because I can't believe people are actually reading something so awful. My other account (link in bio) has far more better written stories. 


@nerdelicious I thought this was a hater and I was about to freak out, but then I saw the username and pic. I was calm after that. But I did follow your other account, and could u possibly read one of my books? That would mean a lot. Oh and I'm currently reading your book, Model Undercover. I don't remember if that is what it's called but I'm reading your undercover model book. This message is getting too long, so Bye! 


I love your story "the undercover model", it one of favorites! I was wondering if maybe you could make a book about Raine, Amy's "best friend". I want to know more about her in her present life bexause she was pregnant at a young age. Please consider my idea, I would love it if you could make a story about her!


Every time I get a comment on a story on this account I cringe because I can't believe people are actually reading something so awful. My other account (link in bio) has far more better written stories. 


@nerdelicious I thought this was a hater and I was about to freak out, but then I saw the username and pic. I was calm after that. But I did follow your other account, and could u possibly read one of my books? That would mean a lot. Oh and I'm currently reading your book, Model Undercover. I don't remember if that is what it's called but I'm reading your undercover model book. This message is getting too long, so Bye! 