
Never thought I would miss a crowded airports


The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim.
          My rating: 100/10
          I really enjoyed the format and writing style. What's more, throughout the whole book, there are plenty of beautiful illustrations. It warms my heart, it gave me lessons, I took some notes and this is one of those books I would reread whenever I can. 


"Sastra sebenarnya adalah makanan bergizi untuk jiwa dan pikiran manusia. Ini adalah fondasi dasar kemanusiaan, cerminan masyarakat, kehidupan sehari-hari, pengetahuan, dan nilai kebijaksanaan"
          Selamat ulang tahun ibu NH Dini 
          Karya-karya mu menginspirasi dan abadi.


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@ohlovelee. Tdnya mau promot ff satu lg. Eh malah ga sengaja malah baca beginian. Auto ngkak dong 


Yoona in Paris Fashion Week with that black dress really killin' !!  btw akhirnya make up, hair style, outfit dia benar-benar terbaik dibandingkan sebelumnya  (dgn style rambut pendeknya dan akhir2 ini). Slayyy!! 
          Gw berharap Yoona bakal lebih sering lagi ada event ke luar benua Asia. Berharap dia lebih sering ke Eropa atau US..