The rough draft description for the new book idea I was talking about!
The exceptional, and the sinful.
Jake is raised by two strict Christian parents, from the moment he’s born he’s expected to be an exceptional boy, always doing the right thing and following the word of the Lord.
And that’s all he does, can’t pay any mind to relationships, sex, parties, not even really after school activities because it’s temptation. He was never curious about thinking differently from what he was taught, even if he felt a bit off about some things, never tried straying from the path of the “holy”.
That is until he meets another boy in the grade above him, the Senior who’s always been popular since Jake was in middle school.
Lee Heeseung.
This is how he begins questioning everything he was ever taught, and even falling into Sin… or was out Sin?
How is it? I personally like it, doesn’t give away too much about what will happen in the book, this will be the next Heejake book most likely since this is the only one I have a full story and plot idea for, but it will not be posted until I finished all my current ongoing books.
I want to start just focusing only on one published book at a time so I’m not too stressed about posting chapters for two or three at a time and so I can focus more on the storyline in better depth as well as deeper and more skillful writing, I want to start using less basic vocabulary like the word happy, and instead use words like ecstatic or exuberant.
This boo will be fun and I already can’t wait too start writing for it!