
Changed my @ to “onlyodyssey”


I’ll be wiping and deleting all my current stories except for “Beyond Iris” and “Wish,” since I believe those can be revived. The rest of them are way too damaged beyond repair. I will continue to make more fan-fictions based around the Percy Jackson series, but much less often. 


I’lol also be keeping some other stories that I think have a lot of meaning for me or are half-decently written. If you’ve been wondering why I haven’t been active, please check my description panel. :)


Percabeth Council...


I am finally back, and trying to grab the reins of Wattpad. I will continue to make more chapters on my stories, but it may vary on how lazy I am. I will be working on “Cutting the Thread,” a new story, and I will be having another story in the works! Thank you for your patience, probably.