I am new and wanna write some storys my first about me is german but my next storys i wanna write in english and i am not so good in that so i hope you like them anyways <3
my haikyuu server
my chill server
the other server's i have you can see when you go to partner server there are some of me and some of other people
  • Дата регистрацииFebruary 2, 2021

Последнее сообщение
osamu_essen osamu_essen Jan 01, 2022 01:06PM
I have after a longer time again written something. I generally do not really get to write something because of school. I am sorry.
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Истории от osamu
My life in the Inarizaki (remake english) от osamu_essen
My life in the Inarizaki (remake e...
Y/n had to go to a new school and found there her great love and friends who these people are and who is her...
Story of my life (remake english) от osamu_essen
Story of my life (remake english)
I want to tell you how my life went all these years and how hard I actually had it because I want people to u...
Mein Leben in der Inarizaki (german) от osamu_essen
Mein Leben in der Inarizaki (germa...
Y/n musste auf eine neue schule und fand dort ihre große liebe und freunde wer diese Menschen sind und wer ih...
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