Hey all! I know it's been awhile, I have a lot going on with school, but hopefully soon, I can get to writing some more for you all. In the mean time, I would love if you all could submit requests for my general x reader imagines books, Imagine A Life Exceeding Reality. It only contains 4 imagines at the moment, and I've got quite a few more chapters in my wip file, but I've had some writer's block lately, and would love if you all could give me ideas for me chapters so that I can (hopefully) break my writer's block, but also so that I know what kinds of imagines you guys want to see in this book.
To request just send me a DM and please include:
-what character you want the imagine to be about
-the gender of the reader
-whether it is a romantic or platonic relationship
-the general scenario or plot
-the universe in which you want it to take place (canon, AU, etc)
-any other information that is necessary (Hogwarts house for Harry Potter, species for Twilight, etc)
-no smut please
I would really love your ideas
And as always thank you all for continuing to support my writing. It means everything to me.
Luv you all :)