
so i go on youtube, and i searched for the Hamilton soundtrack, because whet else am i supposed to do, and somehow i ended up watching the duck song? like its a classic, but how did i go from Hamilton to ducks?
          	Got any grapes?
          	Anyways, adíos!
          	-Riley Grace


          	  Lol is all i can say


so i go on youtube, and i searched for the Hamilton soundtrack, because whet else am i supposed to do, and somehow i ended up watching the duck song? like its a classic, but how did i go from Hamilton to ducks?
          Got any grapes?
          Anyways, adíos!
          -Riley Grace


            Lol is all i can say


Why do I do this? Like every night I stay up super late, and then the next day I complain about being tired! And then I sTaY uP lATe AgAIN THE NEXT NIGHT! Like WhY?
          Anyways hope everyone's having/had a good day!