
@Anastasia1S pliz check out my story. Don't the grammatical errors


@pawaki   Jambo and thank you for adding Love Heals a Naughty Girl to your reading list.
          I am always pleased when an African may like my stories.
          I was Peace Corps in Liberia, and I have traveled in East Africa.
          In Kenya, I have been in Kissimu, Malindi, Mombassa, and, of course, Nairobi.
          We enjoyed Ft. Jesus in Mombassa, but also were able to see some East African art.
          That includes some time in Tsavo National Park.
          It was a great vacation,  and I learned a lot there, but I have kept my stories set in Africa confined to Liberia, where I actually lived.
          Enjoy the story when you take it up.


            You have a wealth of experiences. I have made up my mind to read all your books cos i really did get moved by " love heals a naughty girl". 
            When i was young, My dad had us join him in Britain for 3 1/2 years. its a long time ago but it has influenced my way of  life and my thinking.


@pawaki   One thing I began to notice was that people of differing ages get married.
            A missionary professor by the name of Charles (then 48) at Cutting ton University was in love with Paula (24).  Charles was reluctant to have such young girl having to take care of an old man.
            They married.
            I knew a soldier in our army who at age 21 married a woman, who was 42.
            After living in Africa, I joined the US Army and served two tours  of duty in Germany. 
            It's interesting that a story that involves online chat attracted your attention. 
            I grew up with manual typewriters and rotary dialed telephones. 
            So my experience here in cyberspace may well be less than yours.
            When I need help with my computer,  I call my son.
            Thanks for your reply.


            It seems Terry, you have traveled even within my country more than i have. I am based in Marsabit what many people think is a desert but is an oasis in the desert. A mountain has influenced the perfect climate for habitation.  Next you travel to Kenya, you should make a point of paying this miracle in the desert a visit.  
            Am really enjoying your story  but i will comment further as i go on.