Hi guys,
I just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive! Haha! Life has kinda got in the way, I've had a few personal issues. I do appologise for the lack of responses, updates and just down-right disappearance.
BUT, it looks like things are slowly on the up now and I have been focusing on writing again, updating my story Rose Garden Sanatorium, updating my website, and updating my social media. I am now going to tackle my wattpad account. I will also eventually be sorting out my own business (writing related), but I need to get my day job settled first.
Of course, I will be updating some pages. Rose Garden Sanatorium will be getting a face-lift, and eventually I will be getting back to Ender's Love and The Love Square.
So, watch this space! Changes are afoot!
I'm excited!
Thanks to those who stuck by me! And hope you are all well! <3 x
~Penny (AKA The Girl Who Whispered).