
Sorry for no recent updates guys, I'll try to upload a new chapter this week. I've just been so busy so far.


Hey :) sorry for the message, but I saw some comments of yours and think that you might really like my friend’s stories. He’s a new author on Wattpad and he already has a few things published on here. He writes a lot of fantasy, cosmichorrorr, medieval stuff. If you’d like we’d really love if you checked his stuff out.


Thanks Felix for checking out and voting on The Hunted One.  It’s part one of the series and I hope you enjoyed it.  Please feel free to check out my homepage.  All my stories are Paranormal.  Thanks again my Wattpad friend...


Okay everyone, thanks for sticking by, and I appreciate the support, despite my ineptitude way of writing. I am using this medium to tell you all , that I have continued writing my story (Trials in Mythica) . Pls feel free to drop by and drop your comments. Thanks.