My name is Sabrina and I am 18 years old.
I love videogames, painting, and singing.
I have a PS4, Xbox, and a Nintendo Switch.
I love my friends and my family.
  • California
  • IscrittoJuly 23, 2015

Ultimo messaggio
picklesaregreat12 picklesaregreat12 Jul 22, 2018 06:12AM
Wow, looking at all my older posts make me cringe hard.
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Storie di picklesaregreat12
Complicated (McHanzo) di picklesaregreat12
Complicated (McHanzo)
AU where Hanzo and Jesse (McCree) go to highschool together, Hanzo transfers from Japan to the school. Jesse...
You Changed Everything (Erisol) di picklesaregreat12
You Changed Everything (Erisol)
Sollux Captor wasn't just some ordinary kid, he was pretty cool. He could help fix computers and he would hac...
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