
Do Not Grieve Over The Past
          	Shaykh AbduRahmaan As-Sa'adi [رحمه الله] said:
          	❝Do not grieve over past matters which have not been destined, from ill health, or loss of wealth or a worldly matter, etc.
          	Your concern should be with rectification of actions on the day. 
          	Since a person is living in the moment. He should not be saddened for what has passed. Also he should not research into the future where that research would not be of any benefit.
          	It is upon you to be truthful, fulfill your contracts, keep to one's promises and justice in all dealings.
          	Fulfilling rights completely and perfectly with a tranquil soul and with truthful pure Eemaan.
          	Busy yourself with your own mistakes and your matters, rather than the mistakes of the people and their matters.
          	Deal with everyone according to their situation and condition, whether he is a senior, or youngster, male or female, a leader or a follower.
          	Be gentle and merciful to everyone even animals and livestock, since indeed Allaah is merciful to his merciful worshippers.
          	Be balanced in all your matters, and open up your mind to every religious and worldly benefit.❞
          	[Majmoo Mualifaat As-Saadi, (21/258) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]


The pain that no one knows, that pain is under the care of Allah. Know that if the whole world turns against you, Allah is with you and that’s enough. Don’t carry your heart with heaviness, because Allah is enough for you. His love is enough, His care is enough and Allah never leaves them whose hearts are torn. The heavy hearts will feel light again and the lost souls will find it’s way again, because Allah is enough and He will surely help. We are all a little broken and it’s okay. We know Allah is with the ones who have sabr. We are waiting for His ‘kun’, He will heal us. He will grant us miracles. His ‘kun’ will change your life. His ‘kun’ will heal your soul. Kun faya kun. Everything will work out for you. You will be amazed. The blessing is about to manifest in your life. What you have been praying for is on its way. So let it come with His perfect timing. For Allah it is Kun faya kun and it is. 


❝ I Had Closed off all avenues to Your grace,
          But then, I found myself at her doorstep, seeking solace and pace.
          And what an astonishment that You made her to heal and renew,
          So with gentle care, she led me back to You. ❞
          Salam! If you get time, check it out! You never know, you may find yourself adhering to it! 

          ❝ In Which The Dignified Scholar Was Lured Into The Darkness By The Devil Only To Be Moulded Into A Monsterous Killer ❞
          If you’re interested in historical fiction, this shall, God Willingly, certainly satisfy your thirst! 



Hey are you interested in reading stories if you will read I will go the same. As I am in search of genuine readers it would be go if we support each other.
          Or we can go for V4V !! But it would be good if we go for R4R!!
          If you're drawn to stories that explore the intricacies of relationships, the struggle between heart and mind, and the resilience of the human spirit, this is the story for you. Witness the emotional journey characters as they face life's most challenging decisions and discover what truly matters.


Do Not Grieve Over The Past
          Shaykh AbduRahmaan As-Sa'adi [رحمه الله] said:
          ❝Do not grieve over past matters which have not been destined, from ill health, or loss of wealth or a worldly matter, etc.
          Your concern should be with rectification of actions on the day. 
          Since a person is living in the moment. He should not be saddened for what has passed. Also he should not research into the future where that research would not be of any benefit.
          It is upon you to be truthful, fulfill your contracts, keep to one's promises and justice in all dealings.
          Fulfilling rights completely and perfectly with a tranquil soul and with truthful pure Eemaan.
          Busy yourself with your own mistakes and your matters, rather than the mistakes of the people and their matters.
          Deal with everyone according to their situation and condition, whether he is a senior, or youngster, male or female, a leader or a follower.
          Be gentle and merciful to everyone even animals and livestock, since indeed Allaah is merciful to his merciful worshippers.
          Be balanced in all your matters, and open up your mind to every religious and worldly benefit.❞
          [Majmoo Mualifaat As-Saadi, (21/258) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]


Household Chores Are From The Sunnah
          Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen [رحمه الله] said:
          ❝When a person is at home then it is from the Sunnah, that for example he makes his own tea, cooks if he knows how to and washes up that which needs washing, all of this is from the Sunnah.
          If you do this then you get the reward of following the Sunnah, with imitating the Messenger [ﷺ] and in humbling yourself for Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic.
          This also brings about love between you and your wife. When your family sense that you help them in their chores they will love you and your value to them will increase, therefore, this will end up being a great benefit.❞
          [Sharh Riyadh As-Saliheen, (3/529) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath Al-Anbiyya]


Can you guys follow my Instagram writing account please? I need support pleaseeeeeeeee @wordsof_myheart1 I changed my previous insta to this please follow me on there :) ❤️❤️ continue to support me I have came back on here and continue to remain in shaa Allah as I feel like what was once a passion should remain a passion. 


Asalamu alikum. I am back sisters and dear friends after a rocky journey, I plan on coming back on here and continuing my passion for writing. I feel like despite whatever happens in our life. Our passion is what keeps us grounded and I have always had a love for words and writing. So please if I can get some support :). Also Ramadan Mubarak to the sisters! Love you alllll xxxxx 


@prettycrystal246 walaikum salam warahmatuLLah wabarakatuhu, sis. Welcome back. May Allah put His Barakah into it. Ameen.


_Beauty and the Bangles _ 
          *A tale unique and untold
          of a girl as precious as gold."
          A father who wants to shield her daughter from the evils of the world. 
          - B U T ! - 
          A girl who vows to save her favourite bangles
          - B U T ! - 
          The story is not so SIMPLE! 
          It's a great blend of: 
          ~ MYSTERY
          ~ TRAGEDIES 
          ~ SUSPENSE
          ~ HUMOR 
          ~ PLOT TWISTS
          ~ DARK SECRETS 
          And much much more which can't be unveiled till the ending! 
          NOTE: The story is one of its kind Alhamdulillah. Not the usual Wattpad story.
          ° Teaser video available °
           ©️ Bint-e-Azhar 
          HIGHEST RANKS:
          1st in Prophet Muhammad
          1st in Bunk
          2nd in Qur'an 
          2nd in Haya
          19th in Inspiration
          Jazakumullah Khayran


Asalamu alikum sis do you have insta could you follow me