As a result of this spontaneous deletion, I plan on creating a revamped version of the original series, which I may potentially upload elsewhere. In an attempt to look on the bright side, the stories deletion has given me an opportunity to improve upon the earlier chapters, as I am quite dissatisfied by their quality. Keep in mind that this may unfortunately delay the production of 30 Days of Euphoria.

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@Pleasuregnome it would seem that way. Luckily I have learned my lesson from the first deletion and have the sequel saved on pages. As of now I am mainly dedicating my time to a much needed rewrite of 30 days of ecstasy, and hope to perhaps take my business elsewhere to deviantart some time in the future. Wattpad is honestly fucked for moderation.

@prismaticstatic_405 That's alright, I'm too busy with things outside wattpad anyway, lol