howdy! feel free to call me pyro, quinn or alex! I'm an aspiring author with a love for fantasy and poetry. I mainly draw in my free time as a hobby, but I want to focus more on writing in the coming years :>

DevaintArt - crystal-twiliqht
Paigeeworld - pyrokiinesis/fallinqstar - pyrokiinesis
Scratch - 18Omega581
  • انضمJune 29, 2018


الرسالة الأخيرة
pyrokiinesis pyrokiinesis Sep 21, 2018 11:05PM
on a hiatus rip I’ll be on when I can<33
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Quinn
Haunted بقلم pyrokiinesis
&quot;It makes no sense.&quot; Owen gave a frustrated sigh. &quot;I don't remember anything! How I got here...
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Some Sonnets بقلم pyrokiinesis
Some Sonnets
just a collections of english sonnets I wrote a while ago!! please keep in mind that these are not 100% engli...
House of Memories بقلم pyrokiinesis
House of Memories
Luke doesn't understand what was going on. People are disappearing left and right from Fort Redwater. His sis...