-Out Of My League-
01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮
Dear Bullies,
See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself. You know that girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting on makeup hoping people will like her. See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country. See that young kid you just made fun of for always being sick? They have to walk home in the snow cause their family is too poor. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. See that boy doing his homework in homeroom? Last night he talked his friend out of suicide. That girl who laughs and smiles at every little thing? She cries herself to sleep every night. And everybody else you've been mean to? You've either hurt them really bad or ruined their life. Post this on your profile if you are against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't, but if you are that 1% with time and a heart, then show it.
- In my room, reading
- IscrittoMarch 2, 2023
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