
Hello My Beautiful Readers!
          	Galatea has asked me to publish one of my stories on their reading app. After working with an editor you can now read Souls of Silence on the Galatea site and thus support me in my first attempt at publishing! I plan to use these profits to continue writing and editing my other works and a new series.   
          	Please think about reading my newly published book on Galatea. If you do not have a current membership to their reading app, please use this code to get a 20% discount because you are one of my loyal fans. 
          	Let me know what you think of the edits!


@readerchick428 are you still planning on doing Cain’s story in the future? Loved Souls of Silence! 
          	  Congrats on the move to Galatea! 


@ readerchick428  Awesome !❤️ I'm so excited to read about this new story ! Just a quick question, do you plan on updating the Valkyrie serie ? I'd really love to know how Ray's story ends 


I started the Valkyrie Saga my freshman year of college. I’ve read it twice since then and now I’m about to graduate. I don’t even read on Wattpad anymore. The Valkyrie Saga is the only reason I still have the app  much love to you! 


This is so real lol this series is the only reason I have this app!!


Hello! I'm not sure if you'll see this as it doesn't seem like you update/on the app very often.
          I started reading the Valkyrie Saga a couple of days ago, and, in short, I inhaled them. I discovered them at the start of the long weekend and finished all four in just as many days. My husband had to practically drag me out of the house to attend dinner at our friends. 
          Your world and character building is interesting and wonderfully written. The story is captivating and even though a lot has taken place over such a short period of time, the suspension of disbelief is just enough that it makes your story fascinating and compelling. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading the saga and have started reading your other works.
          As sad as I am that the saga and some other works haven't been updated in quite a while, I fully understand that writing a fully edited fleshed out book is challenging on top of, well, living your life. I hope that if you decide to continue writing these stories that you'll update here or let your readers know how/where they can access or buy your books.
          Thank you for sharing your ideas and creating characters that we can sympathize with in a truly interesting world. You've created a fan out of me.


I couldn’t have said this any better! I’ve read through the saga 3 times now!


I am SO invested in the valkyrie saga! And I thought I reaD somewhere that you were making a 5th book and I'm in the middle of the third! I went to the 4 th book to see if there was an epilogue proving there would be a 5th book but was devastated to see it wasn't finished hasn't Ben updated in a while. In all I'm just wondering if you have plans to continue the series or finish the 4th book? And CONGRATULATIONS!  On your Publishing!!! I've been reading the valkyeie saga for about a week and a half now it's so great!! 


Hello My Beautiful Readers!
          Galatea has asked me to publish one of my stories on their reading app. After working with an editor you can now read Souls of Silence on the Galatea site and thus support me in my first attempt at publishing! I plan to use these profits to continue writing and editing my other works and a new series.   
          Please think about reading my newly published book on Galatea. If you do not have a current membership to their reading app, please use this code to get a 20% discount because you are one of my loyal fans. 
          Let me know what you think of the edits!


@readerchick428 are you still planning on doing Cain’s story in the future? Loved Souls of Silence! 
            Congrats on the move to Galatea! 


@ readerchick428  Awesome !❤️ I'm so excited to read about this new story ! Just a quick question, do you plan on updating the Valkyrie serie ? I'd really love to know how Ray's story ends 