
ok 100 votes let’s go


Please tell me if you want to see another book published by me, but a different genre. On two conditions:
          Tell me yes or no depending on how you like Excluded, and tell me if you want my next book to be the same genre.
          Please don’t tell me this until you’ve finished reading what I currently have down, and I won’t start until Excluded is done.


Yay finally annoying pride month is over in one day
          I’m so tired of these gay people being like  “oh yeah it’s ok to be gay” like I’m fine with it but just PLEASE STOP YOU ONLY DESERVE ONE DAY OF PRIDE I get the point like bruh


They should at least devote a day to people that annually die of bad ITP cases. My brother got freakishly close.


And just to put icing on the pizza (heh), my brother has this weird blood disease called Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Big word time. It’s basically when your platelets get attacked by your immune system thinking that it’s something that should be gone. This is one of the more rare diseases, but it’s quite harmful, considering my brother is never allowed to do any real physical activity like sports and stuff. He bruises way too easily, and as a younger brother, I feel like I might catch on soon too, because i get sick a lot and always get injured all the time.


@readerkid69420 well 9/11 cant rly be a month wide thing cuz it's a set day in history. Also, I do think that other things should get recognized. Like Heart Awareness month in February. Not many people really pay attention to it. And if they do, they think of Women's heart disease. Not other types of heart disease that affect kids before birth. Congenital Heart Disase is a heart condition present at birth. I have it. It affects a lot of kids. 40000 babies are born with CHD every year. And CHD is 60 times MORE prevalent than Childhood cancer. Why doesn't rly important things like that get recognized? CHD is highly underfunded. We need more CHD awareness


On Excluded I have 69 votes please nobody vote for the rest of the book let’s keep it that way


Lucky for me I voted on one chapter of mine (only one is the first) and now I have 69 again muahaha


What have you done