Well hello there I is river you may call me river
or gremlin as thos are what I'm know as :)

Fill free to read my books:

I is a non-bianary child

First language = English🇬🇧

I want to learn other languages like Japanese or sign

I have a huge obsession with the movie gremlins so don't mind that

Tiktok:river_gremlin or the_gacha_gremlin
art instagram:the_x_gremlin

My favorit shit
Teen wolf
Any anime=favourites are your name, seven deadly sins,totaro,angles of death and lots of others
Love Werewolves (or ya know anything supernatural)

Been a weeb since I was 8

I like to read alot of gay shit

(Coz every one is a noise bitch)

Anxiety(hate it)
Depresison(kill me)
Insomnia (rip sleeping)
Anger issues (🤭) did(who am i)(Plus more)


I also read fanfiction on ao3

( more shit about me)
Been on this app for years had this account since 2017 😜✨Hogworst house: slytherin(slytherclaw)
grunge aesthetic 🖤🤍
Anime weeb( i have seen 900+ anime)
Manga reader 😌🤚🏻
Video games 😘
Horror/fantasy (romance only if it's a fanfiction)
Nicknames=vi, body of water or gremlin
Im a virgo(September 7th 2005)
Music=rock,pop(and any over

Love animals (have 3 cats and
then had lots over animals like two dogs 6 rats 3 mice lots hamsters and had a birded Dragon at one point)
  • in a blender
  • SumaliFebruary 26, 2017

Huling Mensahe
river_gremlin river_gremlin May 30, 2023 02:25AM
I have seriously been debating with myself over the last couple of weeks on wether or not i should get back into the Harry Potter fandom because I loved it as a child and still to this day it holds a...
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Mga kuwento ni Stripe The Gremlin 👽
Into the light into the dark ni river_gremlin
Into the light into the dark
Brodie is just 19, the reluctant heir to a powerful family empire. Burdened by his father's cold expectations...
+6 pa
the book of crack (aka me being a dumb ass) ni river_gremlin
the book of crack (aka me being a...
ya this is me talking about random shit probably at 3 am or something like that
short stories  ni river_gremlin
short stories
these are basically just random short stories that come to my head they might not be that good but I find the...
28 Mga Reading List